Digi Bits

Monday, October 17, 2005

What Not to Do on a Job Interview

If you are currently looking for a job, then you will want to prepare for the dreaded job interview. Many people are extremely nervous and stressed out when going on job interviews because they are being judged. This can cause a large amount of anxiety, however if you plan for a job interview accordingly, you will have a better chance of being seen as professional, confident and intelligent. Here are some tips on what not to do on your job interview.

Never show up late. If you show up late without a reason then you are giving the interviewer the perception that you just don’t care enough about the job being offered and that you are irresponsible. Showing up late without cause is an absolute no-no.

Dress appropriately. If you put some clothes on and you are having second thoughts, take it off and put something more conservative on. If you come into the office and look like you should be at a beach then there is very little chance of being offered a position.

Speak clearly. When talking remain focused and don’t use words like um, or like. Not only do these words make you look dumb but also give the impression of being unfocused and unprofessional

Try not to fidget. If you are rocking back and forth or playing with your hands, it will show that you have no focus. Try to remain relaxed. Don’t be like a stiff board, but don’t fidget all over the place.

Following these rules will help you in your quest to find that perfect opportunity.