Digi Bits

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Treatments for Acne Scarring

Acne affects millions of Americans each year. Many people have the common pimple or breakout, but for a few of the unlucky acne sufferers, acne can cause scarring. Acne scarring usually happens in severe acne cases.

There are three types of common acne scarring. Keloids, which are caused by your body creating excess tissue. The other two common scars are caused by the loss of tissue. They include Ice pick scars and Depressed fibrotic scars.

Keloids resemble small bubbles on the skin due to collagen. Collagen is a substance created within the skin. Collagen is the natural response to skin injuries, but too much collagen can cause bubbles on the surface. Keloids are known to fade as time goes by.

Ice pick scars are the most common scars due to loss of tissue. They resemble jagged holes in the skin, just like an ice pick would make. Most of these scars can be found on the cheeks.

Depressed fibrotic scarring are small craters formed on the face. These scars come in various sizes and are due to a loss of tissue in the face. They are also common in the cheeks of individuals. Depressed fibrotic scars can become Ice pick scars over time.

If you are experiencing acne scarring, consult your dermatologist on treatments available to rid your face of acne and clear your scarring.