Digi Bits

Monday, October 03, 2005

Linking Strategies, Linking Equals Traffic

If you are web developer, one of the most frustrating thing to see is a beautifully designed site with lots of great content not receive any traffic whatsoever. So what is one of the best ways to draw traffic to your site that costs little or nothing? Plain and simple, it is linking.

What exactly is linking and how does it make your web site rank higher bringing with it more traffic? It is a well known fact that Google rates the importance of a web site by who links to it. All a link is, is the URL or web address of your site posted on another person’s site. So if your domain is mydomain.com and this address is posted on dozens of already high ranking sites, Google will also think your site is important and rank you higher in their index, bringing you more traffic.

This strategy of getting your site posted on other sites is used by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts. The more traffic is brought to your site usually means more money as well.

What is the best way to get links? There are three common ways. Pay a web site to post your link. Usually the price varies on the web site and ranking of it. Another option is a link exchange program. These are places where web site developers come together to trade there links usually for free if a reciprocal link is involved. There are many sites that offer quality link exchanges so do some research. The third common option is to contact a web master of a site that you think will help your ranking and ask him/her to trade links with you. Many times, they will agree because you both gain from more links on your site.

So take a look at links for a great way to increase your web traffic.