Digi Bits

Monday, October 03, 2005

Improving Your Flexibility

If you are involved in sports, suffer from regular stiffness or get out of bed and find you can’t touch your toes, then it is time to plan some flexibility exercises in your daily schedule. There are many ways to ways to increase your flexibility, but the easiest way is to have a daily regiment of stretching. No matter if you are an athlete or a person sitting in a cubicle all day, flexibility is important.

Flexibility training is extremely important. Many people don’t realize that proper stretching is great prevention against sports industry and repetitive motion injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Many stretching techniques can be done without special tools or machinery, just relaxing and extending your body. By practicing stretching exercises everyday you will increase your flexibility.

Your stretching program should be done everyday and focus on all major muscle groups. If you are using your hands such as typing for long hours, it is necessary to stretch about each hour to prevent injury.

It is easy to stretch correctly. First of all relax and breathe normally. Then stretch the muscles around the joint. It is important the stretch last about 10 seconds. You may at times feel a little discomfort. You should not feel pain, if so, stop immediately.

With a daily stretching routine, you will be feeling much more flexible in only a few weeks. If you have a concern or need detailed information about a particular part of your body, it is advised that you consult with a physician.