Digi Bits

Monday, October 03, 2005

Choose the Sex of your Baby

It sounds straight out of a sci-fi novel, but you will be surprised that without any medical procedures you can increase your chances of choosing the sex of your child. In today’s culture it is perfectly acceptable to have a sexual preference for whatever reasons. Maybe you already have two daughters and would like a son- or vice versa. Some professional women choose to have only one child and would like it to be either a boy or a girl. Before we go into details, let me quickly explain how the sex of a child is determined.

The first thing to know is that the male determines the sex of the child by contributing either a Y gene or an X gene. The women’s egg is always X. The combination of XX produces a girl. The combination of XY produces as a boy. When stated this way it sounds super simple. Unfortunately, in practice it is much more difficult. Here are some tips that can increase the outcome of either a boy or girl:

• Women that are nearer to ovulation have a better chance of having a boy due to the ability of Y sperm to swim quickly reaching the egg first.
• The acidic levels in the women’s reproductive organ are important as well. If you remember your science class, there are three levels: an acid, a base and neutral. A very acidic level usually favors a girl. Y sperm usually die quicker in an acidic environment. If the reproductive organ’s levels are base it favors a boy. Many women use a douche to regulate their ph balance.
• Another thing to consider is high sperm count. A high sperm count usually favors Y (boy) sperm due to the fact that there may be more Y sperms produced and that they swim faster than X sperms.
For more information, please consult with an in-depth guide and/or your gynecologist.