Digi Bits

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tropical Fish Tips

So you always dreamed of having a nice fish tank with beautiful tropical fish. Many people love the idea of having fish. They are easy to care for and extremely interesting to look at. If you are thinking about adding an aquarium to your home, here are some tips.

What type of fish do you want? If you prefer salt water fish, you will need a whole different aquarium set up and pump set up than a normal tropical fish aquarium. Salt water aquariums require more expertise and time to care for the fish. Salt water fish are also much more expensive, usually over $100 per fish. If you are just starting out, it may be best to start with fresh water fish and learn the basics before moving on.

Fresh water fish come in many different varieties and are beautiful to look at. Aquarium set up is easy. However it is important to note that even though they are fresh water fish, normal tap water won’t due. Fish need a certain ph balance in their water supply, so before you drop your fish in the aquarium, make sure the ph balance is correct.

You will also want to make sure that the fish that you purchase are all compatible. You don’t want to put two kinds of fish that will fight with one another all the time and you definitely don’t want to put fish in that other fish consider prey. It is also important that you choose fish that are free from disease, because they can contaminate your entire aquarium.