Digi Bits

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Best Ways to Get Reciprocal Links

You have probably heard how important links are to building a successful web site, but what is the best strategy for asking another website if they would like to link with you. Here are two main strategies that are popular, link exchanges and sending out personalized emails.

Link exchanges are groups of people that trade links with one another. This is a great strategy, because everyone that participates wants to trade links. Most link exchanges are inexpensive or free. A web site owner is allowed to pick and choose which site they would like to link with, they can also decline any request to link.. Many people have great results from link exchanges and are extremely popular within the SEO community.

Another way to gain valuable links is through a personalized email. If you see a site that you would like to link with, then contact the site directly. It is important to contact the site professionally. With so much spam these days, many people don’t read email that comes from someone they don’t know. Make sure when writing your email that your email doesn’t look like spam. Don’t choose an email title that seems like your trying to sell something like “Great Linking Offer” Most people will skip over these types of titles. Choose something smart. You also want to personalize the content of the email as well, stating within the email that you saw their site and liked it- giving details of the site. Make sure the URL that you would like to link with is easy to spot and read. Don’t hide your URL in the corner of the email.

Using these strategies will draw a higher page rank and more traffic to your site which can translate into profit. So go ahead and participate in reciprocal links.